Do you know what digital printing is?

Do you know what digital printing is?

2021-08-13 08:50:42

Digital printing is the digitization of printing technology. Refers to the digitization of part or all of the whole process. For example: laser phototypesetting, remote copying, digital proofing, computer direct plate making, digital workflow, printing factory ERP, etc., all belong to the category of digital printing.

Digital printing is a new printing method that prints computer files directly on paper, which is different from the cumbersome process of traditional printing. Its characteristics: print one sheet, no need to make a plate, ready to wait, instant error correction, variable printing, printing on demand.

Digital printing is a comprehensive technology developed on the basis of printing technology. It uses electronic text as a carrier and transmits it to digital printing equipment through the network to achieve direct printing. In the printing production process, no version and variable information are the biggest features, covering various technical fields such as printing, electronics, computers, networks, and communications.